Reflections From A Man Involved In An Incredible Journey

Chris Engelhardt, K9 Handler & K9 Fritz
Reflections from a man involved in an incredible journey. I want to take this opportunity to share my story and involvement in an amazing journey to be a part of a project that has changed my life. When I met Dr. DePaço it was obvious he had a love for dogs and an appreciation for law enforcement and their contribution to the community. I could never have fathomed how dedicated they were to giving back to the men and women that served beside me.
To understand my appreciation I should first tell you about my lifelong goal of being a K9 Officer. Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a Police Officer, but it wasn’t until my cousin introduced me to his K9 Partner that I instantly knew that this was going to be my dream. In 2008, I was granted that dream by being named the first K9 Officer in Hillsborough, New Jersey. My first dog, Raider, was an amazing partner and he exceeded all the expectations that any K9 Officer could ask for and then some.
Unfortunately, after five years Raider had to retire due to a genetic spinal condition. I had lived my dream for five years, but knew I had so much more to give. This is when Dr. DePaço changed my life.
Dr DePaço committed to purchasing a K9 for Hillsborough as well as a vehicle that was much needed. Again, I was chosen as the K9 Officer. Imagine being able to live your dream twice!

Chris Engelhardt, K9 Handler & Caesar DePaço, Ph.D.
This is where my life changed. Dr DePaço decided to make it his mission to facilitate K9s to police departments that were in need. I remember sitting at home and reading about the Oklahoma City dog that was stabbed by a criminal he was chasing. I think any dog owner can sympathize about how devastating the loss of your partner can be. Then I received a call from Dr. DePaço about how he wanted to help. He expressed to me about how he was not only concerned about the loss of the dog, but he was also concerned about how the handler and the family were coping with the situation. This is where the journey starts.
With Dr. DePaço’s permission I facilitated the purchase of Oklahoma City’s next K9 from Vohne Liche kennels. Since then I have been the middle man of a total of 15 dogs that Dr. DePaço has purchased for departments in need. It is one thing to receive a dog, but to be witness to another officer receiving such a generous gift is unforgettable.
I owe a lot to Dr. DePaço. My first dog, Raider, is living a better life thanks to Droi-Kon ®, I have a second dog that is working daily to go catch the “bad guys” and I have been a part of his amazing project to provide K9 dogs to departments that needed help.
Thank You Caesar DePaço for your contribution to law enforcement around the country!
Chris Engelhardt, K9 Handler
Summit – Summit – Summit Nutritionals,
2012 Summit Nutritionals International, Inc.
Patty Schroeder Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

Visit the Official Droi-Kon ® Website
Premium Food Grade Chondroitin Sulfate
2017 Summit Nutritionals International
Sarah McGeehan Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

My 2 year old pit bull, Keiko, suffers from minor tears in the ligaments of both knees. I had been giving her some of the standard chondroitin supplements out there for a long time but they didn’t seem to make a difference. Having to constantly manage her exercise was extremely difficult given her high energy. Allowing her to run or take lengthy walks caused extreme discomfort for her. After 3 months of using Droi-Kon ® chondroitin sulfate, I haven’t seen any limping and she hasn’t shown any signs of pain after our long park hikes and rough housing with her brother. At her check up last month, her veterinarian also commented on how Keiko didn’t even react when she checked her knees. I firmly believe that Droi-Kon ® has kept her knees from progressively getting worse allowing us to focus on building strength in the joints. Thank you so much!
Visit the Official Droi-Kon ® Website
Premium Food Grade Chondroitin Sulfate
2017 Summit Nutritionals International
Kim Foglia Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7:46 PM
Subject: Droi-Kon ®
I began using Droi-Kon ® Chondroiton for my 6 year old Saint Bernard (Simon) several months ago. Prior to using this product, he was really struggling to rise from the laying position and even a short walk around the block proved difficult for him. He would moan and rise slowly while his hips and legs struggled to push his 120lb body up from the dog bed. Within a week, I noticed a significant difference in his hind quarters. He had more energy and would romp around the yard with his 2 year old sister like he was a puppy again. After using this consistently over the past few months, Simon is acting like a puppy again and the aches and pains no longer seem to be an issue for him. This product is amazing!
Kim Foglia
Visit the Official Droi-Kon ® Website
Premium Food Grade Chondroitin Sulfate
2017 Summit Nutritionals International
Christopher Aversa on Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate
To: Dr. Caesar DePaço, Summit Nutritionals International ®
Re: Droi-Kon ®
Dr. DePaço,
On behalf of myself and my K9 partner Uno, I would like to thank you for your assistance and guidance with your Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin.
This winter I noticed my K9 partner laying around a lot more and not being active, I figured it was just the winter blues. Then every day I noticed more signs, limping, frequent stretching, not wanting to go up or down the stairs in my house. I brought K9 Uno to the Vet, who stated he was very stiff and because of his age of 8, probably slightly arthritic. The Vet suggested a possible Chondroitin based product. Well, I knew exactly who to talk to about this.
In January, I contacted you and explained what was happening with K9 Uno, You said “ Don’t worry Chris, I know exactly how to help Uno”…well you did and I couldn’t be more happy.
Due to your product, Droi-Kon ®, your instruction and help, by putting 1 tablespoon of powder on Uno’s food per day, for the last 8 weeks, Uno is now running with the big dogs again. I cannot believe the change in him, he is running the yard, climbing obstacles and acting as if he were 3 years old again.
His stamina for work has increased, as well as his overall health.
I would recommend this product to every K9 handler out there, as well as members of the general public who care about their dogs as much as we do.
Again, thank you for your guidance and advancement in my K9’s health.
Sincerely Yours,
Christopher Aversa
K-9 Trainer and Handler
Scotch Plains New Jersey Police Department
Visit the Official Droi-Kon ® Website
Premium Food Grade Chondroitin Sulfate
2017 Summit Nutritionals International
OKC Police Department, Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin
OKC Police Department, Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin of Summit Nutritionals International ® for overall canine joint health after observing, first hand, the positive results for his German Shepard, Aron.
From: Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 1:39 AM
To: Caesar DePaço, Ph.D.
Subject: Retired Police K9 Aron
Dear Dr. DePaço,
I have a retired Police K9 enjoying life at home with my family and I. Aron, a black and tan German Shephard, worked the streets for over 8 years before retiring at the age of 10. Aron endured over 120 criminal apprehensions including being shot in the line of duty. Aron retired with a clear mind and relatively healthy body. However, 8 years of hard work left some marks. As all large breed working dogs are susceptible to, Aron has moderate hip dysplasia and other joint aches and pains.
I began giving Aron Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin with his food in October 2014. Approximately 3 to 4 weeks later I began noticing subtle changes in Aron. Most noteably, Aron would occasionaly yelp as he played in the back yard. Since giving him your product I haven’t heard him yelp. My wife and I have also noticed that Aron seems to stand taller for longer periods of time.
I feel that your product, Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin, has had a positive effect on Aron’s overall health. I will continue to use your product in the future as my family and I strive to give Aron the quality of life he has earned.
Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert
K9 Handler, OKC Police Dept.
2017 Summit Nutritionals International